Baseball Pitching Velocity Training

On Ramping Program for PitchersIn the high-stakes world of baseball, the journey of a pitcher from novice to expert is a tale of dedication, precision, and, most importantly, the right guidance. Recognizing the pivotal moments of this journey, TopVelocity introduces a meticulously designed On-Ramping Program, tailored specifically for young pitchers standing at the crossroads of potential and excellence. Whether returning from a break or dipping their toes into the structured world of pitching for the first time, athletes find themselves navigating the delicate balance between ambition and the physical demands of one of the most challenging positions in sports.

The genesis of TopVelocity's On-Ramping Program is rooted in a profound understanding of the kinetic chain involved in pitching—a complex ballet of power, agility, and control. Developed under the visionary guidance of Brent Pourciau, a figure synonymous with resilience and innovation in baseball training, this program is a beacon for those who aspire to not only reach but also exceed their potential on the mound. Pourciau’s personal journey through recovery and triumph serves as the cornerstone of TopVelocity's methodology, marrying scientific rigor with the art of pitching to foster a new generation of elite athletes.

This program stands out as a pioneering approach, emphasizing gradual, intentional progression that respects the individual's current state while ambitiously charting a course towards their peak performance. It’s designed to ease pitchers into a robust regimen that enhances their natural abilities, nurtures their unique pitching style, and, most crucially, minimizes the risk of injury. By replacing traditional exercises with TopVelocity’s specialized drills and lifting routines, the program not only targets the enhancement of pitching velocity but also the holistic development of the athlete.

As we delve into the specifics of this revolutionary program, it becomes clear that TopVelocity's approach is not just about throwing harder but smarter. It's about instilling a deep-seated confidence in young pitchers, equipping them with the tools, knowledge, and mindset necessary to conquer every challenge the diamond presents. Join us as we explore how the TopVelocity On-Ramping Program is setting a new standard in baseball training, one that promises to transform hopeful athletes into formidable pitchers, ready to leave their mark on the game.

TopVelocity Pitchers On-Ramping Program

Purpose of Program

Weston performing med ball drillThe TopVelocity On-Ramping Program is designed to gradually introduce young pitchers to high-performance pitching movements and TopVelocity drills. This phase helps ease athletes from a non-active state towards a structured and robust training routine, ideal for those returning from a break or starting their pitching journey.

Target Athletes: On Ramping Program for Pitchers

  • All athletes returning from a significant time off (more than 3 weeks without throwing).
  • Beginners to structured pitching training.

Training Schedule: On Ramping Program for Pitchers

  • Train on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, allowing a day of rest between sessions to optimize recovery and adaptation.

Program Structure: On Ramping Program for Pitchers

Week 1-3: Introduction and Fundamentals

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
    • Dynamic Warm-Up: 10 minutes of general body warm-up.
    • TopVelocity Med Throws (5 reps each):
      • Chest Up: Full Stride
      • Chest Up - On Knee
      • Chest Up - Momentum
      • Separation - Full Stride
      • Separation - On Knee
      • Separation - Momentum
    • TopVelocity Target Throws (10 reps each):
      • Chest Up - On Knee
      • Chest Up: Full Stride
      • Chest Up - Momentum
      • Separation - On Knee
      • Separation - Full Stride
      • Separation - Momentum
    • Strength Training: (Replaces traditional gym exercises with functional baseball-specific movements)
      • Bar Warm-Up: General bar movements to engage the whole body.
      • Incline Bench and Towel Pull-Ups: Upper body strength focus.
      • Core Routine: Enhance rotational and core stability.
      • Hang Clean Progression: 5 sets varying from 60% to 70% effort.
      • Front Squat and Deadlifting Series: 3 sets (10 reps at 60%, 8 reps at 65%, 6 reps at 70%).

Week 4-6: Development and Technique Refinement

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
    • Dynamic Warm-Up: 10 minutes.
    • TopVelocity Med Throws (8 reps each):
      • Review and refine technique from previous weeks.
    • TopVelocity Target Throws (On Mound) (10 reps):
      • Focus on accuracy and consistency.
    • Strength Training:
      • Bar Warm-Up: General bar movements to engage the whole body.
      • Flat Bench and Towel Pull-Ups: Upper body strength focus.
      • Core Routine: Enhance rotational and core stability.
      • Power Clean and Power Jerk Series: Focus on explosive power.
      • Box Squat, Step Up and RDLs: Enhance lower body strength.

Week 7-9: Advanced Skills and Power Development

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
    • Dynamic Warm-Up: 10 minutes.
    • All Med Throws and Target Throws (On Mound): Increase to 8 reps each, maintaining high effort advancing to Lateral Separation Throws.
    • TopVelocity 3X Drive Drills (60 feet, 15 reps):
      • Focus on driving power from the legs and core.
    • 30-40 Pitch Bull Pens working on pitches
    • Strength Training:
      • Bar Warm-Up: General bar movements to engage the whole body.
      • Flat Bench and Towel Pull-Ups: Upper body strength focus.
      • Core Routine: Enhance rotational and core stability.
      • Power Clean and Power Jerk Series: Focus on explosive power.
      • Box Squat, Step Up and RDLs: Enhance lower body strength.

Monitoring and Adjustments: On Ramping Program for Pitchers

  • Monitor arm fitness/soreness regularly. If pitchers experience excessive fatigue or soreness, reduce the intensity (below 50% effort) or the number of repetitions accordingly.
  • Use this program as a guideline. Adjustments may be necessary based on individual feedback and progression.
  • Use the dynamometer for assessing arm health. You can use the coupon code to purchase TopVelocity.

Notes: On Ramping Program for Pitchers

  • All exercises are performed with a focus on form and technique to prevent injuries and ensure maximum benefit.
  • Engage in regular consultations with a coach to ensure proper execution and adaptation of the program.

By integrating the TopVelocity drills into the on-ramping program, pitchers will have a solid foundation in the fundamental techniques required for advanced training phases, ensuring a smoother transition and better overall development in their pitching careers. This program is designed to be clear and accessible, perfect for web presentation, and encourages young athletes to engage with the material actively.

Unlock Your Full Potential: Why the 3X Pitching Velocity Program is Your Key to Success

On Ramping Program for PitchersThe journey to becoming an elite pitcher is paved with discipline, hard work, and the right training program. With the foundational skills acquired through the On-Ramping Program, you're now standing at the threshold of untapped potential and unparalleled growth. It's time to take the next bold step with TopVelocity's 3X Pitching Velocity Program—an advanced, comprehensive training system designed to unlock your full potential on the mound.

The 3X Pitching Velocity Program is not just another training regimen; it's a transformative experience that has been meticulously crafted to elevate your game to heights you've only dreamed of. Here are just a few reasons why securing access to this program is pivotal for serious athletes looking to make significant strides in their pitching careers:

Exclusive Access to Instructional Videos

Visual learning is crucial in mastering the complex mechanics of pitching. With the 3X Pitching Velocity Program, you gain exclusive access to a vast library of instructional videos. These high-definition, detailed tutorials are your guide through each exercise, drill, and technique, ensuring you can replicate the movements accurately and effectively. It’s like having Brent Pourciau and his team of experts coaching you in your own home.

On Ramping Program for PitchersAdvanced Velocity Training

Velocity is a critical component of a successful pitcher's arsenal. The 3X Program goes beyond basic mechanics, diving deep into advanced training techniques that focus on increasing your pitching speed safely and sustainably. With personalized workouts and drills based on cutting-edge sports science, you'll unlock the secrets to throwing harder without compromising your arm's health.

Precision Command Training

Pitching is an art form where precision is as crucial as power. The 3X Program emphasizes command training, helping pitchers gain remarkable control over their throws. By refining your technique and enhancing your muscle memory, you'll learn to place your pitches exactly where you want them, making you a formidable opponent on the field.

Holistic Health and Strength Conditioning

TopVelocity understands that a pitcher's health is their greatest asset. The 3X Pitching Velocity Program incorporates comprehensive strength and conditioning routines tailored for pitchers, aiming to build a resilient body that can withstand the rigors of the sport. From enhancing mobility and stability to preventing common injuries, this program ensures your body remains as strong as your ambition.

Community and Support

When you join the 3X Pitching Velocity Program, you're not just buying a training program—you're becoming part of a community. You'll have access to forums and support groups with fellow pitchers and coaches, creating an environment of motivation, encouragement, and shared success.

Take the Leap: On Ramping Program for Pitchers and More!

The decision to invest in the 3X Pitching Velocity Program is a decision to invest in your future in baseball. With access to unparalleled resources, expertise, and support, you're setting yourself on a path toward achieving your dreams of pitching dominance. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Unlock your potential, and take your place among the elite pitchers who’ve transformed their game with TopVelocity.

Make the choice today to not just play baseball, but to excel in it. The 3X Pitching Velocity Program is your ticket to a future of high velocity, precision command, and optimal health on the pitching mound. Join us, and redefine what's possible in your baseball career.

3X Velocity Program